Liang Ge

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Joined Apr 2023


哈哈哈, 人家shortsell搞不好已经赚了两个亿,账面亏一个亿算什么
3 weeks · translate
Read their portfolio, they are bunch of 30-40ish inexperience ppl but can become executive director of listed co. , they are either real genius or some puppet control by shark to manipulate price, MACC should really look into this kind of company
3 weeks · translate
atroniq, gtronic, scib , management都是同一班人,明摆着操纵股价,正月才做过一次,股民都已经忘光光了
3 weeks · translate
parkson sg 和 hk 都从业绩报告后反弹10% 和 20%,为什么parkson malaysia 还在跌不停。。。不明白。。
4 weeks · translate
会不会是内部纠纷?director的 LTIP 被 rejected,其他两个也只是过半一点点罢了
1 month · translate
QR confirm bad, cause Parkson HK already report loss, Malaysia side alone even if good profit, highly likely overall still loss
1 month · translate
@Peng Zhong Wong 我认同你的观点
1 month · translate
PARKSON Retail Group Ltd Sees Hy Loss Attributable RMB18.6 Mln , 难怪大市起parkson还跌,这季度应该不大好
1 month · translate
2 months · translate
intention to deal can also be sell shares?
2 months · translate
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