Main Market : Energy, Infrastructure, Equipment & Services


0.000 (0.0%)
High 0.000
Low 0.000
Open 0.000
Volume -
Volume (B/S) 0 / 0
Price Bid/Ask 0.000 / 0.000
52w 0.010 - 0.015
ROE 0.00
DY 0.00%
NTA -0.0045
P/B -2.22
Market Cap 21.9M
Shares (mil) -
3Y -83.3% TTM -29.3%
5Y 46.7% TTM 45.5%
RSI(14) Oversold 16.4
Stochastic(14) Oversold 7.1
Average Volume (3M) 214,100
Relative Volume 0.0
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EPS DPS NTA Revenue P/L Quarter Q Date Financial Year Announced ROE QoQ% YoY% Report
31 Dec, 2022
-0.0300 0.000 -0.0045 84.0k -656.0k 2 2022-06-30 31 Dec, 2022 2022-08-30 6.7% 88.2% 87.7% View
-0.2500 0.000 -0.0042 394.0k -5.6m 1 2022-03-31 31 Dec, 2022 2022-05-31 59.5% 44.1% 755% View
31 Dec, 2021
-0.4500 0.000 -0.0023 2.1m -10.0m 4 2021-12-31 31 Dec, 2021 2022-02-28 195.7% 672.2% 78% View
-0.0600 0.000 0.0022 1.5m -1.3m 3 2021-09-30 31 Dec, 2021 2021-11-30 -27.3% 75.8% 178.4% View
-0.2400 0.000 0.0028 3.8m -5.4m 2 2021-06-30 31 Dec, 2021 2021-08-27 -85.7% 728.2% 64.6% View
0.0400 0.000 0.0052 1.9m 852.0k 1 2021-03-31 31 Dec, 2021 2021-05-31 7.7% 101.9% 65.9% View
31 Dec, 2020
-2.0400 0.000 0.0048 8.1m -45.3m 4 2020-12-31 31 Dec, 2020 2021-03-31 -425.0% 2846.5% 1835% View
0.0700 0.000 0.0252 19.3m 1.7m 3 2020-09-30 31 Dec, 2020 2020-11-24 2.8% 110.9% 38.2% View
-1.3500 0.000 0.0500 15.6m -15.1m 2 2020-06-30 31 Dec, 2020 2020-08-28 -27.0% 704.3% 427.7% View
0.2200 0.000 0.0600 18.9m 2.5m 1 2020-03-31 31 Dec, 2020 2020-06-30 3.7% 4.2% 0.7% View
31 Dec, 2019
0.2300 0.000 0.0600 22.1m 2.6m 4 2019-12-31 31 Dec, 2019 2020-02-27 3.8% 2.1% 188% View
0.2400 0.000 0.0600 12.0m 2.7m 3 2019-09-30 31 Dec, 2019 2019-11-27 4.0% 42.2% 97.4% View
0.4100 0.000 0.0500 11.9m 4.6m 2 2019-06-30 31 Dec, 2019 2019-08-29 8.2% 85.7% 105.2% View
0.2200 0.000 0.0500 11.5m 2.5m 1 2019-03-31 31 Dec, 2019 2019-05-31 4.4% 173.9% 116.8% View
31 Dec, 2018
0.0800 0.000 0.0500 2.2m 907.0k 4 2018-12-31 31 Dec, 2018 2019-02-27 1.6% 99.1% 102.7% View
8.9900 0.000 0.0400 79.0k 100.8m 3 2018-09-30 31 Dec, 2018 2018-11-23 224.8% 212.6% 413.4% View
-7.9800 0.000 -0.0500 143.0k -89.5m 2 2018-06-30 31 Dec, 2018 2018-08-30 159.6% 506.6% 432.8% View
-1.3200 0.000 0.0300 186.0k -14.8m 1 2018-03-31 31 Dec, 2018 2018-05-25 -44.0% 49.8% 30.3% View
31 Dec, 2017
-2.6200 0.000 0.0700 352.0k -29.4m 4 2017-12-31 31 Dec, 2017 2018-02-27 -37.4% 8.5% 84.8% View
-2.8700 0.000 0.1300 416.0k -32.2m 3 2017-09-30 31 Dec, 2017 2017-11-30 -22.1% 91.4% 75.6% View
-1.5000 0.000 0.1500 2.4m -16.8m 2 2017-06-30 31 Dec, 2017 2017-08-23 -10.0% 20.7% 145.2% View
-1.8900 0.000 0.1600 2.2m -21.2m 1 2017-03-31 31 Dec, 2017 2017-05-29 -11.8% 89.1% 36.7% View
31 Dec, 2016
-17.3000 0.000 0.2000 4.7m -193.9m 4 2016-12-31 31 Dec, 2016 2017-02-28 -86.5% 47.3% 1178.2% View
-11.7400 0.000 0.3900 -9.1m -131.6m 3 2016-09-30 31 Dec, 2016 2017-02-28 -30.1% 1822.3% 2420.4% View
-0.6100 0.000 0.5300 7.7m -6.8m 2 2016-06-30 31 Dec, 2016 2016-08-26 -1.2% 79.5% 12.4% View
-2.9800 0.000 0.5400 14.5m -33.4m 1 2016-03-31 31 Dec, 2016 2016-05-24 -5.5% 128.7% 77.4% View
31 Dec, 2015
-1.3100 0.000 0.5500 7.7m -14.6m 4 2015-12-31 31 Dec, 2015 2016-02-29 -2.4% 180% 79.7% View
-0.4700 0.000 0.5700 26.2m -5.2m 3 2015-09-30 31 Dec, 2015 2015-11-30 -0.8% 14.3% 65.4% View
-0.5500 0.000 0.3300 18.9m -6.1m 2 2015-06-30 31 Dec, 2015 2015-08-28 -1.7% 67.7% 1.6% View
-1.7000 0.000 33.0000 47.8m -18.9m 1 2015-03-31 31 Dec, 2015 2015-05-29 -0.1% 66.9% 1192.8% View
31 Dec, 2014
-5.1700 0.000 0.3490 58.3m -56.9m 4 2014-12-31 31 Dec, 2014 2015-02-27 -14.8% 277.1% 420.6% -
-2.1800 0.000 0.4160 79.0m -15.1m 3 2014-09-30 31 Dec, 2014 2014-11-28 -5.2% 143.9% 486.8% View
-0.9700 0.000 43.5000 64.7m -6.2m 2 2014-06-30 31 Dec, 2014 2014-08-25 0.0% 458.7% 167.3% View
0.1700 0.000 42.4000 142.1m 1.7m 1 2014-03-31 31 Dec, 2014 2014-05-29 0.0% 109.8% 71.3% View
31 Dec, 2013
-0.6200 0.000 0.4330 61.0m -17.5m 4 2013-12-31 31 Dec, 2013 2014-02-28 -1.4% 549% 375.9% View
2.5900 0.000 0.4410 83.6m 3.9m 3 2013-09-30 31 Dec, 2013 2013-11-22 5.9% 57.6% 2.6% View
0.9900 0.000 0.3610 59.2m 9.2m 2 2013-06-30 31 Dec, 2013 2013-08-29 2.7% 52.8% 52.4% View
0.7800 0.000 0.3420 56.1m 6.0m 1 2013-03-31 31 Dec, 2013 2013-04-26 2.3% 5.2% 22.7% View
31 Dec, 2012
0.6800 0.000 0.3350 73.7m 6.3m 4 2012-12-31 31 Dec, 2012 2013-02-27 2.0% 58.4% 144.1% View
0.4900 0.000 0.2980 46.6m 4.0m 3 2012-09-30 31 Dec, 2012 2012-10-17 1.6% 33.6% 0% View
0.9100 0.000 0.2530 29.4m 6.0m 2 2012-06-30 31 Dec, 2012 2012-07-24 3.6% 22.5% 0% View
1.1800 0.000 0.2430 40.7m 7.8m 1 2012-03-31 31 Dec, 2012 2012-05-31 4.9% 154.1% 0% View
31 Dec, 2011
-2.1700 0.000 0.2340 3.9m -14.4m - 2011-12-31 31 Dec, 2011 2012-02-28 -9.3% 12947.3% 0% View
31 Oct, 2011
0.0200 0.000 0.2560 15.7m 112.0k 4 2011-10-31 31 Oct, 2011 2011-12-15 0.1% 94.5% 99.6% View
0.3100 0.000 0.2560 183.0k 2.0m 3 2011-07-31 31 Oct, 2011 2011-09-13 1.2% 44% 86.9% View
0.2100 0.000 0.2530 1.7m 1.4m 2 2011-04-30 31 Oct, 2011 2011-06-17 0.8% 28.5% 58.7% View
0.1700 0.000 0.2510 1.4m 1.1m 1 2011-01-31 31 Oct, 2011 2011-03-24 0.7% 96.6% 67.8% View
31 Oct, 2010
4.9100 0.000 0.2520 992.0k 32.6m 4 2010-10-31 31 Oct, 2010 2010-12-09 19.5% 108.9% 517.6% View
2.4000 0.000 0.2030 6.1m 15.6m 3 2010-07-31 31 Oct, 2010 2010-09-23 11.8% 5% 160.9% View
2.5300 0.000 0.1800 11.9m 16.4m 2 2010-04-30 31 Oct, 2010 2010-06-23 14.1% 379.7% 223% View
0.5300 0.000 0.1500 32.9m 3.4m 1 2010-01-31 31 Oct, 2010 2010-03-26 3.5% 152.7% 161.6% View
31 Oct, 2009
-1.1600 0.000 0.1800 58.4m -6.5m 4 2009-10-31 31 Oct, 2009 2009-12-29 -6.4% 74.6% 90.9% View
-4.5500 0.000 0.1900 89.3m -25.6m 3 2009-07-31 31 Oct, 2009 2009-09-29 -23.9% 91.8% 88.1% View
-2.3700 0.000 0.2400 86.7m -13.3m 2 2009-04-30 31 Oct, 2009 2009-06-30 -9.9% 140.4% 1344.7% View
-0.7400 0.000 0.2600 90.0m -5.6m 1 2009-01-31 31 Oct, 2009 2009-03-30 -2.8% 92.2% 197.4% View
31 Oct, 2008
-13.8100 0.000 0.2800 89.2m -71.4m 4 2008-10-31 31 Oct, 2008 2008-12-31 -49.3% 66.8% 3678.7% View
-41.6400 0.000 0.4100 81.3m -215.2m 3 2008-07-31 31 Oct, 2008 2008-09-29 -101.6% 20175.3% 3990.2% View
0.2100 0.000 0.8000 80.1m 1.1m 2 2008-04-30 31 Oct, 2008 2008-06-30 0.3% 81.2% 86.8% View
1.1200 0.000 0.7900 110.3m 5.7m 1 2008-01-31 31 Oct, 2008 2008-03-28 1.4% 185.7% 13.5% View
31 Oct, 2007
0.7600 0.000 1.1300 184.5m 2.0m 4 2007-10-31 31 Oct, 2007 2007-12-28 0.7% 63.9% 48.9% View
2.1600 0.000 1.1100 197.1m 5.5m 3 2007-07-31 31 Oct, 2007 2007-09-28 1.9% 31.9% 25.9% View
3.4100 0.000 1.0700 148.5m 8.1m 2 2007-04-30 31 Oct, 2007 2007-06-27 3.2% 61.8% 58.8% View
2.1100 0.000 1.0300 82.7m 5.0m 1 2007-01-31 31 Oct, 2007 2007-04-06 2.0% 28.5% 326.1% View
31 Oct, 2006
1.6700 0.000 1.0200 158.5m 3.9m 4 2006-10-31 31 Oct, 2006 2007-01-08 1.6% 47.6% 113.1% View
3.1800 0.000 1.0000 107.1m 7.5m 3 2006-07-31 31 Oct, 2006 2006-09-28 3.2% 47% 34.9% View
2.1900 0.000 0.9700 51.7m 5.1m 2 2006-04-30 31 Oct, 2006 2006-06-29 2.3% 330.9% 161.5% View
0.5100 0.000 0.9600 32.7m 1.2m 1 2006-01-31 31 Oct, 2006 2006-03-30 0.5% 35.7% 103.2% View
1.0100 0.000 0.6000 88.7m 1.8m 4 2005-10-31 31 Oct, 2006 2006-01-13 1.7% 66.9% 0% View
31 Oct, 2005
3.0400 0.000 0.5900 45.3m 5.5m 3 2005-07-31 31 Oct, 2005 2005-09-30 5.2% 184.7% 0% View
1.0700 0.000 0.5600 38.9m 1.9m 2 2005-04-30 31 Oct, 2005 2005-06-30 1.9% 105.3% 0% View
-20.5800 0.000 0.5500 9.8m -36.4m 1 2005-01-31 31 Oct, 2005 2005-04-01 -37.4% 0% 0% View

Financial Year Revenue ('000) Net ('000) EPS DP% Net % Report
31 Dec, 2022 478 -6,237 -0.2800 -
31 Dec, 2021 9,356 -15,786 -0.7100 - 72.0% View
31 Dec, 2020 61,919 -56,285 -3.1000 - 554.7% View
31 Dec, 2019 57,556 12,379 1.1000 - 582.6% View
31 Dec, 2018 2,585 -2,565 -0.2300 - 97.4% View
31 Dec, 2017 5,397 -99,534 -8.8800 - 72.8% View
31 Dec, 2016 17,775 -365,841 -32.6300 - 716.8% View
31 Dec, 2015 100,573 -44,789 -4.0300 - 41.4% View
31 Dec, 2014 344,124 -76,451 -8.1500 - 4,869.2% View
31 Dec, 2013 259,932 1,603 3.7400 - 93.4% View
31 Dec, 2012 190,375 24,175 3.2600 - 268.0% View
31 Dec, 2011 3,887 -14,389 -2.1700 - 408.6% View
31 Oct, 2011 18,955 4,662 0.7100 - 93.1% View
31 Oct, 2010 51,943 67,985 10.3700 - 233.4% View
31 Oct, 2009 324,334 -50,977 -8.8200 - 81.8% View
31 Oct, 2008 360,865 -279,832 -54.1200 - 1,453.9% View
31 Oct, 2007 612,875 20,668 8.4400 - 6.2% View
31 Oct, 2006 438,682 19,456 8.5600 - 167.2% View
31 Oct, 2005 94,031 -28,932 -16.4700 - View

Announced Financial Year Subject EX Date Payment Date Amount Indicator
No dividends

Announced EX Date Subject Ratio Offer
31 Jul 2015 12 Aug 2015 Rights Issue 16 : 15 0.2500 View
28 Jun 2012 10 Jul 2012 Rights Issue 2 : 5 0.4000 View
17 Nov 2009 09 Dec 2009 Others 1 : 1 View
05 Dec 2007 17 Dec 2007 Rights Issue 0.34 : 1 1.0000 View

Name Price Change Volume Gearing Premium Premium % Maturity
No warrants found.

Announced Date Change Type Shares Name
No records

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Nicerule Fivecell
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next PN17 to be burst
Nicerule Fivecell
The craziness of PN-17 games. Today's out of BB. Next year fly off or kick off Bursa.
Like · 2 years · translate
Nicerule Fivecell
End Game. It's chosen to be Kick Out
Like · 1 year · translate
Jeb Peace no war
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.01 cheap..