All Comments on SCOMIES Reload

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Capt JS
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Scomies…..sure not commies?
zharif zin
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2x5 scomi
5x2 serba
Sama pandai sama bodoh
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The point is, whether to approve or not is still a question, and when will trading be resumed? whos know????
Like · 4 months · translate
Most of the time, the news will only be released if it is possible
Like · 4 months · translate
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with capital $2m.. and shares 468 mil...and stock proposed sc 20:1...gone case. ..byeee syonara....delisted looming uselessss
Kok Aik Ng
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ready to fly
any update?
Like · 5 months · translate
Capt JS
Hmm looks like no update. I thought end January is deadline. Oh well continue waiting :(
Like · 5 months · translate
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The reorganization plan was announced in advance how u feel???
Hong Chew Eu
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I have a simple framework to classify each stocks. After I have done a fundamental analysis and valuation, I see which cell it falls into based on the matrix shown below. The cells are formed by the combination of margin of safety on the horizontal axis and business fundamentals on the verticle axis.


• Cell A – best investment opportunity

• Cell B – this could be Warren Buffet “wonderful company at fair price”

• Cell C – Ben Graham “cigar-butt” investment

• Cell D – avoid

In this context, I would say that Scomi Energy, a Bursa oil & gas company, falls into cell D. If you want to see a cell A company, have a look at Petron Malaysia.
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Capt JS
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Live or die month.
Can smell blood a bit haha
Kok Aik Ng
important month , where got blood can smell huh ? haha
Like · 6 months · translate
Capt JS
Around scomies office maybe haha
Like · 6 months · translate
French Connection
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WH8786 N
no more hope la this counter. most likely will get delisted like Scomi. most regularisation plans don't work out in the end, too complex I guess.
Like · 8 months · translate
Killme Camper
Political stock....once out of seat sure more government contract
Like · 8 months · translate
Hafiz Bonafide
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wow new life?